Thursday 26 April 2012

the aftermath..

In India after a female is raped the two-finger test is done..The finger test is relevant for the defence..If the medical report says that two fingers have passed, the defence can show that she is habituated..

Such arguments humiliate the victim more..Its a direct insult for a girl's right to dignity, respect,privacy and health...usually no examination of other parts of her body is done even thought she might have injuries all over her body..this test in real doesn't establish anything. It is outclassed,irrelevant and meaningless and only increases the prejudice which exist against a survivior.
Also, we should not comment on survivor's private life,which is protected under section 21 of Indian constitution
Apart from this fact there are other factors that make a victim's life a living hell....before even the survivor can even cope with the shock she is tortured by media and the public becomes difficult for her to walk in public with her head up..
Was it the girl's fault that she was target of someone's horrible plans..she was just a victim...
At one point she might even get over with what had happened to her in the closed four wall room..but the trauma of being a public disgrace is just too much to deal with..
All we need to do is respect their privacy..not comment on there character...
It becomes our duty to extend a helping hand and see thro' the pointlessness of any comments made on the victim's life by the media or the public..or the defense..

Friday 20 April 2012

extramarital affairs,..:(

Extramarital affairs are relationships outside of marriage where an illicit romantic or sexual relationship or a romantic friendship or passionate attachment occurs.
I have seen so many extra-marital affairs. Wondering,what would be the cause? Even couples who seems happy in marital life has extra marital affairs. Why?
i've reading a li'll regarding it...
there are many reasons for a woman/man to get involved with some1 else..
many men when interviewed told that they had fun with their wives in the starting days of their marriage..but in later stages it was more of a routine than fun..the said that their wives had imagined that their bed time activities was a duty that had to be done so as to prove to be responsible and good housewives,,due to this lack of interest and monotonous ideology man turned away and started looking for fun outside...they said that they could try all the things with their other partners which they were afraid to do with their wives as she considered it to be nothing but dirty talk
on the other hand women indulge into such activities because of various reasons like the abusive nature of the husband..or because they feel left out and awkward when the busy husband (mostly businessman) doesn't have time for her..they had stated that they stepped out of the house when all their shopping time ..chatting with other housewives wasn't sufficient when the husband was mostly out for business meeting or office tours
i have tried to bring out the main reason because of which i've seen many happy marriages have been lead to divorce..or the marriage has been saved just for the responsibility sake..
dear married people..know that..a car without a gasoline is just of no can always sit in it..but it won't take you anywhere..
marriage is a sacred will work only if there is mutual understand and care..
so if u r married..n are involved into any such thing...plz take a step forward n save ur marriage..discuss your feelings and insecurities with your partner..coz its only them who would understand and be with you in the long run...
best wishes

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Gumrah- The end of Innocence
Its a show  where Channel [v] brings to us some real life shocking teen crime cases
it is the show for 2day's youth.....i find this serial interesting because it showcases the real life crimes that are committed by people of our age..
we can not change what has already passed...but the future is in our hands..all we need to do is make the wise choices..
the series of this show makes us realize how the ego problems..kiddish pranks .jealousy issues..greed..and unhealthy acts can lead our life from a bright end towards a dark cloud..and we are never the same again
try watching it...u never know what might touch your life..

Sunday 8 April 2012

may be not all friends are meant to be saved..sometimes we just meet a few people ..spend some quality time with them and move on..
i am a normal teenager...i get around with with friends....go out for movies..parties..have all sort of fun..but sometimes the fun part isn't times...there comes a point in our lives..where we have to stop and look back...just to make sure that we aren't alone in the journey of our life..
what we all want is not a big just a few helping hands.. at times people say that they are your best friends but their actions speak otherwise....
its just not me who faces such hard times where you are left all alone to struggle with difficulties..its the case with everyone...
dear friends...the world has become very practical today..all that everyone wants is a friend with benifits...the trend of a ever lasting friendship seems to have vanished...the never-ending contact and company in good and bad time concept have just remained seized to the books and internet articals..
in today's world..what seems to matter more is your status and your image....
where is that caring nature lost....just stop for a sec... i know we all are busy and preoccupied with many wont matter much now weather or not we have time for socializing...for sitting together and sorting out misunderstandings....for talking a walk with you best buddy...but for sure..there will come a time...when all out wealth..possessions and treasures...won't be able to set out souls in peace...on that day you will need a friend..
a true friend....but is a perfume that you cant pour on others unless having a few drops on yourself..
start smiling for others..start waving to others..
believe in appreciating and not in setting people so low that they get afraid to come up again...
be some1's some1's helping some1's betterhalf..
p.s be a good friend

Saturday 7 April 2012

social network

 social networking site it is really important to be safe. This article is written not only for teenagers but also for adults who are fond of using social networking sites and meeting and communication with other people online.
No doubt, social networking sites have helped a lot of internet users to communicate with other people all over the world. But, if you are careless then these sites can even cause havoc. Recently there are numerous reports flowing on internet stating that they have been harmed by other individuals’ whom they meet online in social networking sites. These also include people who join these sites for online dating. I am not scaring you but making you extra cautious.
The first thing that you need to check is the things that you are posting online. This is because in the networking sites anybody can see anybody’s profile. It is not important that the member of the site has to be your friend to see your profile and can obtain your personal information.
The second thing that you need to check is to see the profile of the person deeply whom you are going to make your friend. Check especially those who contact you. Almost all the social sites are free to join. This means that anybody can make any number of fake profiles. If someone says that my name is John, it does not mean that his name is necessarily John. His name can be anything like Smith, James, etc. Everybody does not tell the truth in social networking site.
Suppose you are chatting with someone online and while chatting you do not feel comfortable, then it is strictly advised that you end the conversation immediately to avoid any further discomfort.
Some people can also ask you to meet. So if you are willing to meet them then it is recommended that you have to be conscious. Do not ever meet a person after a short conversation. Also do not ever meet at his or your home. Meet at public places like a restaurant which is full of people. Chat at least for one month before meeting the person.
These are some of the precautions that you have to keep in mind to play safe in social networking sites. Safety is the first thing that you should keep in mind as it is yours and only yours.
There is a major advantage of social networking sites that many online businessmen take. It is popularizing their website to increase traffic. So, if you are the one who want to popularize your site then there is no other thing better than social networking site.