Wednesday 29 August 2012


on date:
50 million people still defecate in the open
40% of schools dont have functional toilets
4861 cities in India dont have a sewage network
80% of surface water pollution is due to sewage alone
839 million people have no access to sanitation service
128 lack clean and safe drinking water
21% of the communicable diseases are related to unsafe water
42% children are malnutrition and underweight
only 21% of MBA graduates, 10% general graduates and 25% engineers are employed
40% of the electricity is not paid for..Rs 55,000 crore is lost annually due to power theft and various electricity loses
300 million people (as per census report of 2011) have no access to electricity...!!!!


  1. That is a lot to think about and along road to travel, Jemina!!Best wishes for the New Year

  2. The answer to the question "Is India developing..?" can be answered only if you compare the stats you provide to the same stats taken a decade before.
    But I guess the answer to the question "Is India a superpower or on the way to being one?" or even "Should India aspire to be a superpower?" is a definite NO, based on the stats you provide.

  3. I feel development should not be the privilege of a small number of people. That is what Ms Monica means and I agree with her. We are not developing. Increase in the GDP or of the sort cannot be regarded as development. As our Constitution clearly states, India is a welfare state and it should cater to the needs of the underprivileged.
